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WORK ON YOUR SLEEP TODAY. When the days get shorter, a good night’s sleep is even more important to reaching your goals. Check out these tips for wholesome wellness to support deeper sleep. And don’t forget to turn back your clock on 11/7.

Building The Foundation For Sleep Support

A good night’s sleep is key to achieving your personal, professional and health goals. It allows your body and mind time to relax and replenish, helps you maintain a healthy weight, and makes sure you have physical and mental energy you need to conquer the day. For a balanced sleep-wake cycle, you need a balanced health plan. Try these tips for wholesome wellness to support deeper sleep.

Melatonin For The Win

A healthy sleep cycle means you feel tired at night and awake in the morning. Regular sleeping patterns revolve around lightness and darkness – when the sun goes down and night approaches, your brain’s pineal gland starts to produce more melatonin, a hormone that makes you feel sleepy and ready for bed. Your brain decreases melatonin production as the morning approaches, helping you wake up and stay awake. But a hectic schedule – one that keeps you up late or wakes you up early – may throw off your sleeping clock and make it hard to get back on track. A melatonin supplement can offer a natural way to support restful sleep.

A Fulfilled Day For A Relaxed Night

Your brain and body will get the most out of a night’s sleep when they’re properly nourished, exercised and relaxed during the day. Get the productive sleep you deserve by making sure your body is equipped with the nutrients it needs all day long. An effective and efficient way you can fill any nutritional gaps in your diet – which most of us have, no matter how healthy we try to eat – is by taking a daily multivitamin. Along with a healthy diet, a multivitamin delivers a combination of calcium, magnesium, vitamins A, C, D and E, and other nutrients.

Support Brain Health To Support Sleep Health

There is truth to the old adage that eating fish is good for you brain. Fish oil contains omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA, which help maintain a healthy cognitive and nervous system. Unfortunately, your body doesn’t produce omega-3s naturally, so make sure your diet is rich in fatty fish like salmon and mackerel. A fish oil supplement can also deliver the recommended daily amount of omega-3 fatty acids. You can take them anytime throughout the day; it doesn’t need to be timed to your sleep schedule to deliver benefits.

Sleep Recovery Is Powered By Protein

Your body is doing a lot when you’re snoozing; it’s a time for your body to rest and replenish. Protein supports muscles at night and throughout the day to fuel these nighttime bodily functions like repairing muscle and recharging. And while you should be aiming for up to 30g of protein at each meal depending on weight and activity level, an evening snack with casein proteins like a cup of cottage cheese or casein protein shake can also support nighttime muscle repair following intense training. Caseins are more slowly absorbed, supporting a steady release of amino acids throughout the night. You can learn more about the different types of protein here.

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