Mansfield BubbleLife -
According to This Study, Texas Ranks in the Top 10 Fattest States in America

Before you go for that third slice of pie, you might want to pay attention to this newfound data from WalletHub. The site took all 50 states, as well as the District of Columbia, and graded each on a scale that considered obesity numbers, health consequences and food and fitness. Texas wound up with a score of 62.45 out of 100, rendering it number 10 in the list of overall fattest states in the country. Yikes. 

So, why did Texas score so badly? Well, we have the second highest percentage of obese children in the entire country. When you take overall physical activity out of the equation, Texas has more obese adults than most states - in fact, one in three Texas adults are obese

Across America, obesity rates have risen drastically in the past few decades. Lack of physical activity is certainly a big factor, as are genetics, sleeplessness, stress and emotional instability. Interested in learning more about this study or Texas' stats? Click here to view WalletHub's report. 

Tuesday, 06 November 2018