Mansfield BubbleLife -
Mustang Creek Estates of Burleson Residents Discover Artistic Talents

Seniors in Burleson are confronting stereotypes about aging head-on and learning something about themselves in the process. After recently opening their doors, Mustang Creek Estates of Burleson is – for the first time – invited the public to share a slice of life with their residents in a fun and interactive way. The senior living community hosted a painting class which was open to the public and hosted by Butterfly Brushes, a painting studio in Cleburne. Guests had the opportunity to choose their own design from several options to create on a canvas, chalkboard or piece of wood. Creating art is scientifically proven to improve cognition, reduce stress and anxiety, offer sensory stimulation and increase self-esteem in seniors.

Butterfly Brushes opened in late 2016 and Mustang Creek Estates of Burleson will be the first senior living community they visit. The instructors enjoyed meeting the seniors and attendees and had meaningful interactions with them.

Photo 3 - Mustang Creek Estates of Burleson reside
Photo 2 - Group Photo.JPG
Photo 1 - Mustang Creek Estates of Burleson reside
Monday, 03 April 2017