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In March, children around the country will celebrate the birthday of one of the most famous children’s book authors of all time: Dr. Seuss. The residents of Mustang Creek Estates of Burleson are gearing up for an upcoming visit to the Clinkscale Elementary School for a unique reading activity on Friday, March 8. During this special intergenerational activity, residents of the senior living community will visit children from kindergarten and second grade and read some of their favorite Dr. Seuss books. Mustang Creek Estates of Burleson will also donate books to the school to ensure these stories can be enjoyed by students for years to come.

“Our residents love visiting the children from Clinkscale Elementary, and they are thrilled to participate in an activity that allows them to pass the love of reading onto a younger generation,” said Melissa Meyer, executive director of Mustang Creek Estates of Burleson. “Visiting the kids always creates such positive energy and excitement among everyone, and we are thankful for the partnership with the school.”

Mustang Creek Estates of Burleson continually looks for ways to be active in the community and connect with people of all ages. The residents and team members enjoy sharing their positive spirit with others and inspiring them to look for fun, simple ways to spread joy. This special visit is part of an ongoing partnership between the senior living community and Clinkscale Elementary School. Residents of Mustang Creek Estates of Burleson visit the school regularly for a reading program. Intergenerational activities provide many benefits to the lives of seniors, including improving their physical and mental health. The children also value the connection with the older generation and truly benefit from the relationships with the seniors.

“It is very rewarding to see the seniors and our students interact with one another during each visit,” said Jaree Sheeler, counselor at Clinkscale Elementary School. “We realize the value of intergenerational activities, and we value the relationship with Mustang Creek Estates of Burleson. We look forward to many more visits.” 

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