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NEW ARTICLE: STAY AT YOUR SUMMER BEST. Achieving your goals can be tough. Keeping those goals intact all summer long can be tougher. These tips can help.

As the warmer weather rolls in, many of us start to shed our comfy-cozy ways of winter and start thinking about healthier eating habits and a healthier lifestyle to slip into our summer body. But once you’re feeling confident and comfortable in your summer skin, how can you keep feeling great through a season packed with barbeques, ice cream, and social gatherings? Here are some tips to help keep up your health and physique.

Think About The Whole Body

Eating has become a race—an afterthought. We try to get it done faster so that we can get back to work, get the kids to practice or just simply get it over with. We grab breakfast on the run, lunch on the go or just skip meals entirely. And yet food is not just for fuel. It’s necessary for energy, mood, concentration and even productivity. By paying attention to the needs of our whole body—both mentally and physically—we are more likely to reach our health goals and maintain them with more ease.

It’s important to not only look at what we eat, but how we eat. Here are some tips on how to integrate the whole-body mindset back into your eating to help you maintain your weight.

Slow Down. Eating slowly can help us feel more satisfied and help prevent overeating. Try putting your utensil down between bites. Take sips of water frequently. Chew more. You can even try to eat with your non-dominant hand! Try to give yourself 20 minutes to finish your meal so that your body can feel its fullness.

Avoid Multi-tasking. Eating mindlessly or while doing other things actually has negative health effects. If the mind is multi-tasking during eating, the critical signals that regulate food intake may not be received by the brain. This means we won’t recognize the sensations of taste, satisfaction and fullness. This scenario can lead to the brain sending more signals of hunger even if we’ve already eaten enough, which increases the risk we’ll overeat.

Stop. Breathe. Reflect. Choose. This cognitive restructuring technique can be effective before choosing second helpings or snacks. It makes you think about whether you really want or need the food. Take a deep breath and ask yourself: Are you actually hungry or just bored? Anxious? Stressed? This technique can help stop impulse eating. It’s important not to reinforce the urge by eating right away.

READ MORE: Looking For A Lifestyle Change? 5 Tips To Achieve Holistic Health

Foods For Satiety

When we pack our day with foods that keep us satisfied and energized, we’re less likely to fall off track. Eating on a consistent basis with meals chock-full of the right foods will help keep our blood sugar stable and help to avoid those highs and lows that cause fatigue and cravings.

Protein. Protein takes longer to break down, helping us stay satisfied for longer. Have a bit of protein with each meal. Good choices include fish, poultry, lean meat, dairy, tofu, beans/legumes, and nuts and seeds.

Whey. Want to get specific on the protein front? Scientists are finding that whey, the liquid component of milk, provides fullness cues in the body that affect both short- and long-term food intake regulation.1 This means it helps with satiety, keeping you feeling full for longer. Additionally, studies are starting to find that whey may help with weight and fat loss, as well as helping to maintain lean body mass.2

Fiber. Bulking up on fibrous foods helps you feel fuller. In fact, there’s a diet for that—Volumetrics. Developed by Dr. Barbara Rolls, the goal is to fill up on high-nutrient, high-volume, low-calorie foods to help you feel full while not taking in too many calories, resulting in easier weight maintenance and potential weight loss. There are studies that back up its effectiveness.345 How can you make this work for you? Fill your plate with around 2 cups of vegetables—things like leafy greens, broccoli, cauliflower, asparagus, zucchini and summer squash, carrots, cucumber and bell peppers.

Almonds, Hazelnuts, Walnuts. These three nuts contain magnesium, important in converting food to energy. Rich in protein and monounsaturated fat, they help keep you feel full for longer and help to normalize blood sugar. In fact, walnuts are a great source of omega-3 fatty acids.

READ MORE: Protein Rich Foods

READ MORE: High Fiber Foods

Burn It Up!

We burn calories and nutrients all day long to support our normal bodily functions—to breakdown and digest food, as well as to build and repair the body. While we have a baseline metabolism based on our body size, gender, age and genes, there are certain things we can do to boost it up or to help.

Get Active! This is the best way to impact your metabolism. Studies indicate that while aerobic activity is great for burning calories during the workout, it’s resistance training over time that may help increase your resting metabolic rate.67 Time to go out and find your favorite summer body workout!

Add Spice. It turns out that cayenne is jam-packed with spicy surprises. Research shows that it may increase your daily energy burn, help you burn more fat, and even reduce appetite.8910 Cayenne is even available in supplement form for those that are not a fan of the spice on food.

Start the Fast. Pick a time at night to stop eating. Eating too much at night has been shown to lead to weight gain, impact lipid levels, influence glycemic control and cause other metabolic problems.111213

Try CLA. There are some promising studies coming out regarding the effect of conjugated linoleic acids (CLA) on helping to support healthy body composition and improvements in lean muscle tone.14

READ MORE: Stay Strong At Home With Team GNC

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All of us at GNC hope you enjoy the 4th of July weekend! We all deserve a fun weekend of letting loose after a year without celebrating. So take the day off and hit the gym again on Monday, we won’t tell!
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KEYS FOR A HEALTHY, ENERGETIC SUMMER. Make the most of the next few months by staying motivated and energized! Caffeine, vitamins, protein and fiber are the keys to help. Keep these tips in mind as you build your best summer ever.

3 Hot Ways To Have A Healthy, Energetic Summer

Living well means getting more out of summer. How can you make the most of the next few months? By staying motivated and energized! These sun-soaked days don’t last forever—so ramp up your energy to head to the farmer’s market, plan that road trip or settle into a staycation with a few key ingredients!


Whether you start your day with a coffee, tea or cappuccino, you have caffeine to thank for breaking through your morning fog. Caffeine can help support mental alertness and help in the performance of cognitive tasks and reaction time. If coffee doesn’t cut it for you, you can also try caffeine-containing supplements. Some dietary supplements designed to support your other wellness goals also offer an energy formula—so you don’t have to worry about missing out on nutrients that are already part of your regimen.


You may know that vitamin B-12 is essential for energy production and found in foods like eggs, dairy, cheese and chicken—but did you know that iron is important, too? Found in seafood, beef and dark green veggies, iron is also involved in energy utilization.

This summer, forget about keeping up with the Joneses. Keep up with your goals and support your energy levels with a multivitamin or a targeted B12 supplement. And, just as some supplements meant to support your wellness goals offer an energy blend, some multivitamins and probiotics do, too.


When temperatures are rising, ice cream and cold, sugary treats can start to sound super tempting. Stay on track by forbidding yourself to get too hungry. Keep healthy, protein-packed snacks on hand, like ready-to-drink shakes and meal replacement bars that also feature fiber. While some supplements are formulated specifically to support your diet goals, like Total Lean® Hunger Support, you may still want to consider incorporating them into a regimen completed with an energy supplement to help fuel your most challenging days.

Making sure you include these ingredients in your daily diet will help support the energy and motivation you need to soak up the sun—and all the healthy benefits—this summer has to offer!

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As lonely as this problem can feel, it’s common to have a low sex drive and a lacking libido. In honor of Men’s Health Week, let’s talk about it.

7 Nutrition Tips To Boost Your Libido

Just not feeling all that interested in sex lately? As lonely as this problem can feel because few bring it up in general conversation, lacking libido and low sex drive are common problems. Before you hit up your favorite search engine with how to increase sex drive, you may want to look at your nutrition regimen. Obviously, nutrition is not the only factor in a healthy libido, but what you take in everyday with food and supplements can be partially to blame. Take a look at a few good nutrition tips that may also double as libido support.

1. Get In Your Daily Vitamin D

Nearly 42 percent of adults don’t get enough vitamin D, and vitamin D is super important to the body.1 In fact, this one vitamin is suggested to be important to the health of soft tissues, the bones, and cellular health. Further, some studies have suggested that lower vitamin D intake may be related to lower sexual hormone levels in the body, especially for men.2 Therefore, if your libido has been waning, lacking vitamin D may have a part to play in the problem.

Vitamin D can be found in a lot of natural food sources, such as almonds, soy, trout, mushrooms, chicken breast, and cheddar cheese. You can also give your vitamin D levels a boost by spending time in the sun. Vitamin D intake for adults between the ages of 18 and 70 should be getting 15 mcg (600 IU) of vitamin D daily.3

2. Support Your Libido With Ample Water Intake

Getting enough H2O can really support your health and wellness efforts. After all, water keeps the body lubricated and pushing waste products out. However, not getting enough water may also have a detrimental effect on your sex drive. Water helps keep blood flowing throughout your body, which is ever-important during sex.

Keep in mind, working out can lead to a 6 to 10 percent loss in body weight through perspiration, so if you’re not getting enough fluids and workout often, you could be edging on dehydration.4 Hydration drinks may help you keep your levels in check.

3. Check Your Diet For Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Omega-3 fatty acids like DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) can do a lot of good things within the body, such as support cardiovascular health and blood lipid levels in a normal range. The membranes that makeup brain and sperm cells contain high levels of DHA. And, omega-3s have functions within the endocrine system, which is related to sexual hormone production and stability.811

Omega-3s can be found in natural food sources, such as soybean oil, flaxseed oil, and other natural plant oils.10 Plus, omega-3s are relatively common to find as supplements. So, if you are concerned that you’re not getting enough omega-3s, it can be worth adjusting your diet or trying a supplement.

4. Work L-Arginine Into Your Nutrition Regimen

If you are really digging into getting your libido boosters, be sure to check out L-arginine. L-arginine is a valuable amino acid. As an amino acid, this nutrient is essentially a precuror to nitric oxide, and nitric oxide plays a key role in sex because it maintains blood vessel tone.

L-arginine can be found naturally in foods like red meat, whole grains, and soy. However, if you are looking for a boost, finding a well-sourced L-arginine supplement is best.

5. Eat Dark Chocolate To Fuel A Better Sex Drive

You may have not been told to go out and eat chocolate for better health, but truthfully, dark chocolate may do your libido some good. Dark chocolate with flavonoids, high cocoa content, and less sugar is most associated with benefits for the body.5

Chocolate has been noted for its ability to affect sexuality. Primarily it appears to act as an actual aphrodisiac according to research published by the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.5 While eating too much chocolate is perfectly possible, modest amounts of rich dark chocolate potentially could give your sex drive a boost.

6. Keep B12 Intake In Check

B vitamins serve important roles in the body. However, B12 is essential for the production of energy in the body, supports proper neurological function, and is required for the creation of red blood cells. Low energy can be a major factor in lacking sex drive, so B12 intake should be examined if you’re energy levels have been lagging.

B12 is a tricky vitamin to get in food, especially if following a vegan diet, as the vitamin is only found naturally in foods sourced from animals like milk, eggs, and poultry. In general, men should get 2.4 mcg of B12 and women should get 2.4 mcg of B12 daily.6 If you’re struggling to hit the mark, it can be a good idea to look at B12 supplements.

7. Work Toward Better Zinc Intake

Zinc is a micronutrient, but zinc happens to be involved in things like glucose utilization, carbohydrate metabolism, and insulin production. However, zinc is actually required for normal reproduction functions as well. Therefore, if you are looking for better libido, it may be worth examining your daily zinc intake.

Adult men need 11 milligrams and adult women need 8 milligrams of zinc daily.7 Perhaps not-so surprisingly, zinc can be found in oysters, a well-known libido booster.9 But zinc can also be found in beans, whole grains, fortified breakfast cereals, and seafood.

READ MORE: 10 Foods High In Zinc

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HOW DOES STRESS AFFECT OUR HEALTH AND EATING HABITS? Did you know stress may impact our ability to maintain a healthy weight? Get the full story here.

How Eating A Balanced Diet Can Impact Mental And Emotional Health

Written By Rachel Kreider, MPH, RD

We already know that we are what we eat, but did you ever think about how this common saying may apply specifically to your mental health? Therapy, meditation and yoga are some of the things that are usually associated with improvements to mental and emotional health—but the connection of our mood to our diet is sometimes overlooked. Holistic Health, also known as integrative health, is an approach to well-being that considers the whole person, including their mental, emotional, social, spiritual and physical well-being, and the interplay between these elements of wellness.1 Holistic health practitioners have long recognized that our diet can support mental health through multiple pathways and there is growing interest among researchers regarding how we may be able to influence mental health with our diets. There is even a new(ish) field of psychiatry called “nutritional psychiatry” which looks at how things from nutrients to foods to overall dietary patterns can affect mental health.2

READ MORE: Looking For A Lifestyle Change? 5 Tips To Achieve Holistic Health

Dietary Patterns And Mental Health

The link between diet and mental health makes sense, as the brain relies on nutrients like lipids (fats), amino acids (the building blocks of protein), vitamins and minerals in order to function properly. Deficiencies or inadequate intake of these nutrients are associated with things like depression or cognitive impairment.3 Several systematic reviews and meta-analyses (which are thorough summaries of research on a given topic) have found that healthy diets are associated with better mental health.45678

Here are a few food and mood studies to chew on:

  • A 2013 systematic review and meta-analysis found that even across various cultures (including studies on American, European, Asian and Australian people), diets that contained lots of fruits, vegetables, fish and whole grains were associated with better mental health outcomes.4
  • A 2010 study found that a diet rich in fruit, veggies, beef, lamb, fish and traditional whole-grain foods was associated with a lower likelihood of having depression and anxiety, while dietary patterns that are richer in processed and “unhealthy” foods (a more traditional Western diet) were associated with a higher likelihood of psychological symptoms and disorders.8 I’d say that’s a literal and figurative sad face for a diet filled with processed foods!
  • A 2013 meta-analysis found that people who ate a primarily Mediterranean diet had less risk of cognitive impairment and depression.9 Some examples include: High intake of fruits, vegetables, cereal grains, pulses, nuts and seeds; Moderate consumption of dairy products, fish, poultry, eggs and olive oil; Low to moderate intake of wine at mealtime and low intake of red, processed meats and saturated fats.

Recipe For Good Mental and Emotional Health

Mental health is complicated, and many disorders require treatment with medications and/or therapy. Diet should be viewed as a way to complement physician-recommended treatments but should certainly not be overlooked as part of your plan to support your mental health. Here are a few takeaways (the proverbial doggy bag of this article) to help you make some positive changes to your diet:

  • Plant foods including fruits, vegetables and many culinary herbs are incredible sources of antioxidants and compounds that may help protect cells from damaging free radicals. Fill as much of your plate as you can with these!11
  • The brain uses carbohydrates to make brain chemicals that are linked to our sense of well-being, so focus on healthy sources of carbs like whole grains, fruits and veggies as part of your daily diet.12
  • Neurotransmitters are made from amino acids, most of which come from protein in the diet. The research discussed above showed that lean proteins, especially fish, were linked to better mental health, so focus on those when choosing protein.12
  • More than 50% of our brain is made of fat, much of which is from the omega-3 family that many people do not get enough of through their diet.12 When you eat fat, focus on healthy fats like the ones from fatty fish, avocado and extra virgin olive oil.
  • Try to eat at regular intervals to keep your blood sugar steady and your brain fueled up throughout the day.
  • Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate! The brain needs lots of water to stay in tip-top shape, so keep your water bottle handy and sip away.

The good news about all of this is that most of the foods and dietary patterns that are associated with good mental health are also often associated with long term health benefits. If you make healthy changes to your diet for your mental health, you may have a positive impact on your physical health as well. Those are some major bonuses when following a healthy diet!

READ MORE: Managing Stress In Chaotic Times

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Today we remember those who gave their life serving in the United States Armed Forces. We thank them for their honor, valor and service.

GNC Mansfield Towne Crossing is a Veteran/family owned local business.





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You’ve got to try this limited-edition cherryliscious flavor bomb. Sugar free. Vegan. And it’s only at GNC!

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In honor of Women’s Health Week: Here’s how the right supplements not only help you feel better, but can also have an impact on your outer glow. 


When it comes to looking and feeling good, what you put in your body is just as important as what you put on it. Consuming the right vitamins, minerals and nutrients in combination with a healthy diet and exercise not only makes you feel better and protects your body, but it can also have an impact on your outer glow.

Get That Glow

Keeping your skin healthy requires both protecting it from outside forces and reinforcing it from inside your body. First and foremost, keep your skin’s glow by protecting it from sun damage. Apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 15 or greater at least 15 minutes before sun exposure and wear protective clothing if you’re going outside. Your diet also directly impacts your skin cells. You don’t want to run low on elements like vitamin A, which promotes healthy skin appearance and texture, or biotin, which helps support hair, skin and nails. Try a supplement that specifically targets hair, skin and nails to provide these and other nutrients.

Harness Good Bacteria

Good bacteria, called probiotics, are necessary to help your body function at peak productivity and are mostly known for their role in digestive health. You can find probiotics naturally in fermented foods like yogurt, but if you’re not getting enough from food sources, try supplementing with a probiotic made specifically for women. Some formulas contain cranberry extract, which can be an added benefit for urinary tract health.

The Bone Structure That Counts

Women’s bodies naturally form enough new bone cells to replace the bone that is regularly broken down by the body until about age 30. However, after your mid-thirties, your bones slowly begin to lose mass. Joint and bone concerns tend to be higher among women than men in every age group and increase with age. That makes it crucial for women to meet their daily calcium and vitamin D needs to support bone health. Adding a supplement such as a multivitamin that contains both vitamin D and calcium to a healthy and balanced diet is a great way to help keep your bones strong.

The Mega Role Of Omegas

Fish oil can be an ally in cognitive, heart, joint and skin health. It’s the omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA in fish oil that provide all these benefits, but they’re two elements that our bodies don’t produce naturally. Eat fish high in these healthy fats, like salmon, four to six times a week to get the recommended amount. A GNC fish oil supplement is another vehicle to get these omegas and is free of excessive levels of mercury and other toxins that are sometimes found in fish.

Protein Delivers For Your Body

Protein is the go-to for supporting muscle. Maintaining lean muscle is important for women of all ages and activity levels. The amount of protein you need is individual, but a general target for healthy people is 30 grams of protein at every meal. Eat protein throughout the day to provide your body a steady stream of fuel – don’t just overload at dinner. You can also grab an easy-to-drink protein shake in the morning or at lunch if it’s hard for you to get all that protein in a tight timeframe during a hectic day.

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Whether it’s you, your mom, sister, grandma, aunt or even a friend, we all know a mom (or twenty) who has our back.
Let’s make their day special today!

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Here’s the lowdown on the most commonly used supplements to try if weight management is your goal.


For many people working to lose weight, reducing calorie intake is doable—it’s finding the time and motivation to exercise that can be challenging. Calorie-burning supplements called thermogenics can provide you with the energy to work out and may help you burn more calories when you do. Unfortunately, they sometimes get a bad rap, mostly due to misunderstanding and misuse. Here’s the real lowdown on these commonly used supplements to try if weight loss is your goal.

What Are Thermogenic Supplements?

When used correctly, thermogenic supplements are an easy and great solution to give yourself energy, give your metabolism a boost and help you burn more calories. Don’t let the word “thermogenic” scare you. Thermogenesis is simply the production of heat, and a thermogenic supplement simply accelerates metabolic functions. Thermogenic supplements contain active ingredients to make these metabolic functions happen. They are also often combined with secondary ingredients to help you achieve your goals.

What’s In Thermogenic Calorie-Burners?

Thermogenic supplements usually contain a combination of ingredients, but it’s caffeine that often provides the thermogenic properties. Frequently a main ingredient, that caffeine can come in a variety of forms—as synthetic caffeine, or from natural sources such as coffee bean extract or guarana. Herbal preparations, like guarana, come from seeds similar to coffee beans—but provide twice the amount of caffeine.

Most thermogenic supplements contain more than caffeine-containing ingredients, though. Many are formulated with targeted ingredients to help support other goals, such as Slimvance, Yohimbe, Rose Hips or others.

How Should They Be Used?

Because thermogenic supplements contain natural stimulants like caffeine, it’s best to take the lowest recommended dosage when you first start using them. This will allow you to assess your sensitivity and adjust accordingly. Taking one 30-60 minutes prior to exercise may help you work out harder and longer, and may also help you burn more calories. You should never take more than the recommended daily dose, nor should you take a thermogenic supplement just before going to bed. Its stimulating effects may make it difficult to fall asleep and can also disrupt the quality of your sleep.

GNC Mansfield Towne Crossing located at the Target Center at Debbie and Highway 287N carries a wide variety of products for you to choose from.