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2024 Mansfield High School Tiger Volleyball Camp.p
Registration for our 2024 Mansfield Tiger Volleyball Camp is open - sign your kiddos up now so they don't miss out on all the fun!!!!

2024 Mansfield Tiger Volleyball Camp
June 3rd - 6th
@ Mansfield High School
Session I: 8:00 AM - 11:30 AM (Incoming K-6th Graders)
Session II: 12:30 PM - 4:00 PM (Incoming 7th-9th Graders)
2024 Tiger Volleyball Camp Flyer:
2024 Tiger Volleyball Camp Online Registration:

Contact Head Volleyball Coach Julie Price @ if you have any questions!
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I am super excited to announce our Mansfield Minis’ Volleyball Academy for our MISD K-6th graders! This volleyball academy will be held on Monday nights at Mansfield High School. Each night’s session will consist of both skill development and competitive play in a fun, encouraging environment.

Mansfield Minis’ Volleyball Academy

Winter 2024

@ Mansfield HIgh School

February 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th, and March 4th (Mondays)

6:00 PM - 7:30 PM 

So who is the Mansfield Minis' Volleyball Academy for? Pretty much everyone :) If your daughter is new to volleyball, this is a great way to get her an introduction to the sport. If your daughter has played before, this is a good fit, as all kids will be placed on courts with those of similar skill level so instruction is appropriately challenging for each group. If your daughter is a multi-sport kiddo, this is a great way to play volleyball without a huge time commitment, allowing her to grow her volleyball game while also playing another sport this winter.  
Mansfield Minis' Volleyball Academy Flyer: 
Mansfield Minis' Volleyball Academy Online Registration: