Riley Heruska

Juggling school, work and extracurricular obligations is a full-time job for every family, and there’s no room for a nuisance like head lice in that busy schedule. That’s why Lice Lifters Treatment Centers have introduced a brand new method of eradicating lice faster than ever before: mobile lice treatment.

Lice Lifters Treatment Centers will now send expert lice removal technicians to your home to begin the removal process. Just like when you visit one of their on-site treatment centers, the technicians will begin by confirming the presence of lice and nits. If lice are present, they will proceed with their thorough comb-out and the use of their all-natural, non-toxic lice killing agent. As always, they guarantee that the treatment will send the little pests away once and for all.

Every mobile service removal visit comes with a 30-day guarantee as long as every family member living in the house is examined during the appointment. One mobile Lice Lifters treatment appointment will cost at least $150, plus a convenience fee to cover the technician’s transportation. For one quick treatment that’s guaranteed to be effective, it’s a small price to pay to eradicate your family’s lice problem for good.

Although the mobile lice treatment appointments are just as professional and effective as the treatment in the Lice Lifters centers, you are more than welcome to come in for an emergency lice removal appointment at either the Southlake or Frisco center. A Lice Lifters Treatment Centers technician will make sure the job is done correctly the first time, regardless of the location.

To learn more about Lice Lifters Treatment Centers or their new mobile services, call 817-677-1024 (Southlake location) or 972-805-1308 (Frisco location). Their representatives will be more than happy to speak to you about their treatment process and pricing options. You can also visit

One Quick Treatment. Done! Guaranteed.


Lice Lifters Treatment Centers

Southlake Location:

101 River Oaks Drive, Suite 110
Southlake, TX 76092

Frisco Location:

7000 Parkwood Blvd, Suite C300
Frisco, TX 75035


Article sponsored by Lice Lifters Treatment Centers

Riley Heruska
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Just like we’ve learned that putting butter on burns is a terrible idea, science continues to reveal that homemade head lice treatments typically aren’t the most effective. Although we’d all love to slather some all-natural oils on an infested head and call it a day, it might be time to steer away from DIY lice treatments in favor of professional processes that are more effective.

Let’s look at some of the most highly-recommended DIY lice treatments and figure out why they don’t work in the long-run.

Coconut Oil

According to some studies, coconut oil can be more effective than some over-the-counter, chemical-based lice treatment products. However, this doesn’t mean that it’s the best way to eradicate the little buggers. It may require use of the ingredient three or four times to get rid of lice, and even afterward, you might end up calling a professional to finish the job. Did you know lice can hold their breath up to 8 hours? Don’t waste your time attempting to kill the lice with coconut oil when you can go straight to professionals for a one-and-done treatment process.

Combing the Eggs Out

Many people try to remove the lice and their eggs simply by combing through the infested hair and picking them out. Although a comb-out is an essential part of most lice removal processes, this is only one part of an effective treatment. You’ll need to use a killing agent and other techniques on top of a comb-out in order to kick the invaders out for good.  


Although some people swear by this lice-killing treatment, vaseline usually causes more harm than good when it comes to removing head lice. The substance can get stuck in the roots of people’s hair and take forever to wash out, which is a hassle you definitely don’t need.

Olive Oil

First of all, olive oil isn’t really a cheap treatment solution because you have to use so much of the product. Don’t bother wasting an entire bottle of nice oil on a head that will still need to be combed out and treated with a killing agent. Secondly, you’ll probably have to use the olive oil multiple times, and the longer a head stays infested, the more the lice can spread to other people in the house.


Yes, mayonnaise may wipe out some of the adult lice crawling around and causing itching, but it usually fails to do the most important thing: eradicate the lingering eggs. This means that you might be dealing with the hatching cycle even after completing the treatment. If you really want to remove any and all lice activity, it’s better to seek professional assistance.

The best way to handle lice is to quickly implement a tried-and-true treatment plan at a professional Lice Lifters Treatment Center. They now offer evening and weekend appointments, so you can drop by whenever you need to. Call to schedule emergency lice removal appointments for people of all ages and to ensure that all lice activity is destroyed immediately. Lice Lifters’ natural killing agent contains no harmful toxins or pesticides, so you won’t have to worry about nasty skin reactions, but it’s also more effective than DIY treatments. No nits will be left behind.

To schedule an appointment, contact the centers at 817-677-1024 (Southlake location) or 972-805-1308 (Frisco location). You can also learn more about the company at Mention BubbleLife when you book an appointment and you’ll even receive 50 percent off a head check!

One Quick Treatment. Done! 30-Day Guarantee.


Lice Lifters Treatment Centers

Southlake Location:

101 River Oaks Drive, Suite 110
Southlake, TX 76092

Frisco Location:

7000 Parkwood Blvd, Suite C300
Frisco, TX 75035


Article sponsored by Lice Lifters Treatment Centers

Riley Heruska
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There is a lot of confusion swirling around the topic of head lice, mostly because there are so many different ways to treat the little buggers. To make sure you’re handling lice infestations and preventions correctly, let’s go over some of the most commonly held beliefs about lice that are factually inaccurate, according to experts.

Only kids with dirty hair come home with lice.

Although one might think that people with unwashed, greasy hair are more prone to lice infestations, that’s actually not true. Lice don’t discriminate between heads that are squeaky clean and those that are not. The creepy creatures are looking for human blood, which is available no matter how often you shampoo your head.

If your child’s head isn’t itchy, they don’t have lice.

Actually, some people never experience the itchy sensation that accompanies head lice. If your child takes allergy pills, they may not complain of any discomfort because the itchiness is caused by an allergic reaction to the lice’s saliva.

Head lice carry dangerous diseases.

Fortunately, this is untrue. Head lice do require human blood to live and are considered parasitic, but they are not known for transmitting harmful diseases. However, a person with head lice may develop secondary bacterial infections because they have broken their skin by itching.

People with buzzed haircuts can’t get lice.

As long as head lice have the opportunity to move from one head to another, the length of the person’s hair doesn’t matter. People with long hair may be more likely to get lice simply because their locks come in contact with other heads more frequently, but even people with extremely short hair can experience an infestation. Lice can live off as little as a quarter of an inch of hair.

Lice can fly from one head to another.

Luckily, lice cannot fly or even hop long distance. They move around by crawling, which means you cannot be exposed to them unless you come in direct contact with an infested head or something else with lice on it.

Your pets can give family members head lice.

If you’re worried about catching lice from your cat or dog, rest assured: head lice only like humans, which means your furry friend isn’t harboring any secret colonies.

Using an over-the-counter product is enough to end an infestation.

Even if you purchase an FDA-approved treatment product or a doctor’s prescription to treat head lice, it probably won’t be enough to eradicate the pests for good. You will most likely need to visit a treatment center in order to obtain a treatment that’s effective. Additionally, many over-the-counter products contain harmful chemicals, so it’s better to skip them and seek out professional assistance ASAP.

Sandboxes are often filled with lice breeding grounds.

Somehow, a rumor that head lice love burrowing in schoolyard sandboxes began to spread, but it’s unfounded. Sure, if someone with lice rubbed their head all in the sand it might contain a few lice, but they probably wouldn’t even live long enough to contaminate other children. There are no secret lice hiding in the sand, waiting to pounce on innocent children.

Kids with lice can’t attend school until they’re gone.

As soon as a child (or adult) has received treatment for head lice, they should be good to return to their normal routine the same day. There is no risk of catching lice after effective treatment unless they are in contact with a person who has a current infestation. Lice don’t spread dangerous diseases, so there is no need to remain home for long periods of time. The safest thing to do is to notify the school nurse and the parents of every friend your child is regularly in close contact with. Remember, lice require head to head contact to get them from another person, and you don’t want to get it again. All friends should be checked by a professional certified Liftician.

The best way to handle lice is to implement a tried-and-true treatment plan immediately. Lice Lifters Treatment Centers now offers evening and weekend appointments. Call for emergency lice removal appointments for people of all ages and ensure that all lice activity is destroyed, quickly and efficiently. Their natural killing agent contains no harmful toxins or pesticides, so you won’t have to worry about nasty skin reactions. No nit will be left standing.

To schedule an appointment, contact the centers at 817-677-1024 (Southlake location) or 972-805-1308 (Frisco location). You can also learn more about the company at Mention BubbleLife when you book an appointment and you’ll even receive 50 percent off a head check!

One Quick Treatment. Done! 30-Day Guarantee!


Lice Lifters Treatment Centers

Southlake Location:

101 River Oaks Drive, Suite 110
Southlake, TX 76092

Frisco Location:

7000 Parkwood Blvd, Suite C300
Frisco, TX 75035


Article sponsored by Lice Lifters Treatment Centers

Riley Heruska
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Everyone knows the basics when it comes to preventing the spread of lice: don’t share hair brushes, conduct head checks regularly, and watch for the early warning signs of an infestation (tickling feelings, sores from scratching, and red bumps). However, lice spread through several different methods, some of which you might not be familiar with.

Millions of children between the ages of 3 and 11 come home with lice on their heads each year, so it pays to teach them what not to do at school to reduce their chances of exposure. Here are some of the lesser-known methods in which head lice can invade your child’s hair and make their way into your home.

1. Long Hair

Little girls and boys with long hair are often at a higher risk of exposure to lice simply because it more frequently comes in contact with other people and objects. If you know there’s a lice outbreak occurring at school, be sure to tightly tie back your child’s hair so that it’s less likely to come in contact with the annoying pests.

2. Selfies and Cellphones

Pretty much every child in middle school, and even a majority in elementary school, has a phone of their own, and you know what that means: silly pictures and lots of leaning in to peer at a small screen. The more your child’s head is coming in contact with others around them, the higher the possibility of a lice infestation becomes. If lice have been spotted in your kid’s school, encourage them to forgo selfies for the time being.

3. Shared Hats or Helmets

Whether your children like to play dress up in the classroom, swap hats with each other just for fun, or share helmets at sports practice, dissuade them from doing so when there’s a lice infestation present. Hats provide the perfect form of transportation for lice since they can crawl from head to head, so it’s best to avoid them all together if possible.

4. Lockers

If your child is sharing a locker with other students while at school, think about what that might mean: lots of coats and hats stuffed in the same location every day. This provides an easy opportunity for lice to crawl from one child’s clothing to the other. If you’re really concerned during a period of lice infestation, ask the school if it would be possible for children to somehow have single lockers or another method of storing their items.

5. Naptime

Small children often have naptime at school, which can be a problem when it comes to the spread of lice. Shared pillows, blankets, and even cots can contribute to an already present infestation. If you can, send your children to school with their own pillow that’s only for their use. Lice can live for about 24 hours on a surface without a host, which means a pillow that was used by a lice-infested head can still mean danger the next day. Sharing isn’t always caring when it comes to the spread of lice.

Even if you teach your child how to best avoid contact with lice at school, there’s always the possibility that they’ll still come home with the little pests nestling in their hair. In that case, it’s time to take action and call in professional help. There are two Lice Lifters Treatment Centers, one in Frisco and one in Southlake, which offer emergency lice removal appointments for both children and adults. Mention BubbleLife and you’ll even receive 50% off a head check!

Both Lice Lifters Treatment Centers locations utilize a natural killing agent that can destroy any and all lice activity without exposing your kids’ tender heads to harmful toxins or pesticides. The pros can also help prevent nits from coming back over and over again, which saves you a substantial amount of time and money. Sure, you can try at-home treatments to remove lice, but chances are they won’t be nearly as effective or painless as the methods used at Lice Lifters Treatment Centers.

In the event of a lice infestation at school, Lice Lifters Treatment Centers can train staff members to perform head checks in the classroom. Lice Lifters employees will even travel to the school to assist with the head checks upon request. For more information on getting Lice Lifters Treatment Centers involved at your child’s school, email

To schedule an appointment, contact the centers at 817-677-1024 (Southlake location) or 972-805-1308 (Frisco location). You can also learn more about the company at


Article sponsored by Lice Lifters Treatment Centers

Riley Heruska
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The dreaded email from the school has finally hit your inbox: several children in your kid’s class have come to school with lice-infested heads, and now your little one might be at risk, too. Although lice do spread quickly and can be challenging to avoid in small areas like classrooms, there are some steps you can take to reduce the chances of lice squirming their way into your family.

Check Your Children’s Heads Immediately

As soon as you receive any kind of notice regarding lice infestations, do an at-home assessment of your children’s heads. Look up some pictures online so you can properly identify nits and lice and start conducting routine checks of everyone’s scalps. Catching a lice infestation quickly is the best way to prevent it from spreading throughout the family, especially considering that itchy symptoms sometimes don’t even show up until several weeks after the initial infestation. By the time people start complaining, the lice may have spread to multiple people in the home.

Teach Your Kids to Behave Safely at School

Although sharing hats, playing with each other’s hair, or leaning in close for selfies might seem like harmless playground activities, all of those activities make it easy for lice to crawl from head to head. Educate your children on safe hair hygiene so they’ll reduce their proximity to potentially infested heads.

Make Sure Everyone Is Using His or Her Own Hairbrush

Families often share hair brushes, but during a lice outbreak, it’s best to give everyone their own hair brush. That way, even if one family member becomes infested, it might not spread as quickly throughout different family members.

Encourage Young Girls to Keep Their Hair Tightly Braided or Tied Up

According to the CDC, some studies suggest that little girls get lice more frequently than little boys, probably because they tend to play with each other’s hair more. Discourage your children from fixing one another’s hair and keep your young girl’s hair tied up and out of the way. This might not be a 100 percent effective solution, but it’s always better to err on the side of caution.

Dry All of the Bedding and Stuffed Animals in Your Home on Hot

By letting all of the sheets, pillows, fuzzy bedtime friends, and blankets tumble around in the hot air of your dryer for at least 15 minutes, you can prevent infestations from spreading. Even if no one in your family has shown signs yet, it’s smarter to be safe during a period of lice infestations.

If the worst happens and someone does come home with a head full of the little pests, then it’s time to act. There are two Lice Lifters Treatment Centers, one in Frisco and one in Southlake, which offer emergency lice removal appointments. Mention BubbleLife and you’ll even receive 50 percent off a head check!

Their natural killing agent will destroy any and all lice activity without exposing your kids’ tender heads to nasty toxins or pesticides. Lice Lifters can also help prevent nits from coming back repeatedly, so you won’t have to live in a never-ending lice nightmare. The elimination process is extremely efficient, and it’ll save any parent a world of trouble.

In the event of a lice infestation, Lice Lifters can also come directly to the school to train staff members to perform head checks in the classroom. Lice Lifters employees will even come to the school to assist with head checks upon request. For more information on getting Lice Lifters involved at your school, email

To schedule an appointment, contact the centers at 817-677-1024 (Southlake location) or 972-805-1308 (Frisco location). You can also learn more about the company at


Article sponsored by Lice Lifters

Riley Heruska
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Beth Kirschner and Family

When local mother Beth Kirschner discovered that her children’s heads were covered in lice, she wanted them gone immediately. Unfortunately, she quickly realized that lice removal isn’t a simple step-by-step process. After spending several hundred dollars on sessions with a mobile nitpicker, Kirschner’s family was still haunted by the tenacious little bugs. Home treatments and other rumored remedies also failed, and this Texas mother was nearing her wit’s end.

Eventually, after months of financial and emotional frustration, the family got their lice problem under control, but Kirschner realized that North Texas was in serious need of some effective lice removal treatments. Her battle with the pests was taxing, and she was determined to keep other families from stumbling into the same nightmare.

Today, Kirschner owns two Lice Lifters Treatment Centers — one in Frisco and one in Southlake — and plays a personal role in the head lice elimination process for both children and adults. She takes pride in her work and aids families throughout the Dallas and Fort Worth area.

“For both [Lice Lifters’] founder and myself as a franchisee, getting into the lice removal business was something we felt compelled to do after our own families went through the frustration of getting rid of head lice — only to have them return,” Kirschner said. 

With a natural killing agent, Lice Lifters can destroy any live activity on the head in just one treatment without exposing people to unnecessary toxins or pesticides. They use their own all-natural proprietary killing agent that you can trust. Her centers also employ an expert comb-out system that removes nits and helps prevent them from coming back over and over again. Not only is the process extremely effective, but it also saves parents the trouble of hiring a mobile lice removal service or spending money on pointless home remedy ingredients.

“Nobody likes having to deal with head lice,” Kirschner said. “But Lice Lifters is here to help you put it all behind you as quickly as possible.”

Because of her family’s struggle and her career experiences, Kirschner has become a bit of an expert on lice removal. She speaks at schools and conventions in an effort to raise awareness about ineffective and potentially harmful forms of lice treatment. She also educates people about the ways head lice can spread, especially in the classroom and on the playground.

If you know someone struggling with head lice or nits, Kirschner and her crew are ready to help. You can visit one of her Lice Lifters Treatment Centers in Frisco or Southlake for quick and painless assistance. Book an appointment in advance or call to schedule an emergency visit.

For more information on Lice Lifters and Kirschner’s story, visit

Southlake location: 817-677-1024 
Frisco location: 972-805-1308

Article sponsored by Lice Lifters